English Medals of Jan Hus determination method: SHA-1...
English Jan Hus in the book The Story of Bohemia Czech Jan Hus v knize The Story of Bohemia determination method: SHA-1...
English Medals of Jan Hus Czech Medaile Jana Husa...
Chronik (1485): Feuertod des Jan Hus in Konstanz. English: Diebold Schilling the Older, Spiezer Chronik (1485): Burning of Jan Hus at the stake https://creativecommons...
English Medals of Jan Hus Czech Medaile Jana Husa...
Muttich, Kamil Vladislav - Mistr Jan Hus na hranici v Kostnici 1415.jpg English Kamil Vladislav Muttich - Master Jan Hus on the border in Constance 1415...