DescriptionJunije Palmotić.jpg English: Junije Palmotić (1606-1657), a nobleman from Dubrovnik, writer, poet and dramatist. Taken from Istorija srpske...
DescriptionJunije Palmotić; Kristiada ili život i djela Isukrstova (1670).jpg English: Junije Palmotić: "Christiade or life and activities of Jesus Christ"...
DescriptionPalmotic.jpg English: Junije Palmotić, Croatian writer from the Republic of Dubrovnik (Ital.:Ragusa) - from the old Croatian book, the author...
(1518-1567), Ivan Gundulic (1588(1606-1657), and Ignjat Gjorgjic 1638), Junije Palmotic (1675-1737). II The new period of Jugoslav literature dates of...
Gundulic (1588(1606-1657), and Ignjat Gjorgjic (1675-1737). 1638), Junije Palmotic u The new period of Jugoslav from the i.e. from the beginning of...