File:Slur example.svg is a vector version of this file. It should be used in place of this PNG file. File:Slur example.png → File:Slur example.svg For...
<fis fis,>8 <e! e,!> | %4 <dis, a' dis>4)\sustainOn \change Staff=treble \slurUp \set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t \ottava #1 \tieUp cis''''4^\markup...
racial slurs and other offensive terminology Informals: Casual speak that would be welcome on a talk page, but not within an article. For example "hello"...
racial slurs and other offensive terminology Informals: Casual speak that would be welcome on a talk page, but not within an article. For example "hello"...
racial slurs and other offensive terminology Informals: Casual speak that would be welcome on a talk page, but not within an article. For example "hello"...
stu ff Strategy: Filter out everything in Special:RecentChanges Racial slurs, Curse words, Key mashes 5 seconds The Internet 1-10 minutes 24+ hours...
words as " erh " to make the sound equal to the " ur " of the English word " slur," but it will be seen that this is merely a modification of the true open...
called THE Compound Quadruple Measure, SLUR. ad COMPOUND QUADRUPLE MEASURE Hal jah! le TrE, like the slur, represents the connecting of two or more...
words as " erh " to make the sound equal to the " ur " of the English word " slur," but it will be seen that this is merely a modification of the true open...
is to find the great- eft Fault imaginable. A natural Connexion is a Slur. A Coherence, a Defign, a Meaning, is againft their purpofe, and deftroys...