\end{document} pdflatex seg_tree.tex pdf2svg seg_tree.pdf seg_tree.svg svgo seg_tree.svg English A sum query segment tree Spanish Árbol de segmentos para...
rn[k] is a list of points describint segment (one of n=th preimage's of segment r0); Notation n is a level of binary tree of preimages % denotes ratio of (sublists...
rn[k] is a list of points describint segment (one of n=th preimage's of segment r0); Notation n is a level of binary tree of preimages % denotes ratio of (sublists...
found %i eulerian and %i non-Eulerian solutions (%i in total)\n', sum(isEulerian), sum(~isEulerian), nSolutions) RGB.white = [1.0 1.0 1.0]; RGB.black =...