DescriptionSv-även.ogg English: Pronunciation of word "även" in Swedish. Female voice. Speaker from Gotland, Sweden. Date 10 July 2007 Source The Shtooka...
DescriptionIllustrating Wikipedia brochure sv.pdf Svenska: Illustrera Wikipedia, en guide till att komma igång på Wikimedia Commons. Date 28 October 2013...
del .Cantore. ^ é rispondendo cj^i mille dap^r» o*^S*^hto , .( che, sonò ogg^ circa cento scudi, di nostra moneta.,) voltò Ib spalle Xanfo, ed appr;)ssirnf>'^si...
dl ind]envettey fuovimia von perchù gi onurieyuil etenori cio compongono ogg in fut» Urlrerino del fomintits proturiio IL riotilirio o alato aeruorte...
being a disadvantage to be an advantage for which to be thankful. Unc.ogged by a material form, he is limited to no place, but 18 everywhere present...
DoggersV1 afgegaan.' Garst flauw.' Havej' bank worden uitgegeven. : Tarwe en,^.ogg^ trr^g ftiï," gra#f vari'Doggefsbait;* zal Voeren' zöó- ["flap. Boekweit...
BifaiarE, coll'aspetla di cole di bio: Il'corso; di gala annunziata per: ogg (8), all'ora tro-la Gaietta di Torino di cui abbiamo parlato 5010 banda,...
siniier does it. it. Does what? Changes hB his own heart, cert^ly certainly; j)ogg jjjg. ^ot in jjjg the sense of repentanee, repeidante, but of He r^encrote*...
B. H. Nichols, Mra. Thomas society. unteer Society took the place of the Ogg and Mrs. Hoffman took posses Mr. and Mrs. Junes Reiser of Los Miss Lillian...
would be an im proper inter ference w ith th e navigation la-ws. M r. H ogg defended th e bill, a t one cal culated to do th e g re atest good to Ihdja...