10 Ergebnisse gefunden für "Datei:Sv-ur.ogg".


DescriptionSv-ur.ogg English: Pronunciation of word "ur" in Swedish. Female voice. Speaker from Gotland, Sweden. Date 10 July 2007 Source The Shtooka Project...

Datei:Lake Umbagog journals, 1871-1916 (inclusive) (IA lakeumbagogjour18brew).pdf

ono empty. ono with throo oggs, four with one ogg. ^ (S) « 13. *^Tvo nosts, ono with ono, tho oth r ’with throo oggs. Tho first was built precisely...

Datei:Public accounts of the North-West Territories (IA ableg 33398004570528 2).pdf

CGS 00. FFI OF C&Z 00 €&@ 00 OZ 00 OGG 00 €&zZ 00 €T 00 OGG CO §T 00 OGG 100 OGG 00 0GZ 00 OGG 00 §T 00 OGG 00 OGG 00 066 00 OZ 00 C&G CO 8& O08 CGS 00...

Datei:Public accounts of the North-West Territories (IA ableg 33398004570460 2).pdf

coors ‘Vv af eee "9 ‘adog ‘godrn0g f UR[YOR' PO "* yoLtopety ele fons) a)ioe see oeeree sv Arvpeg | Suey reais ‘aU PNP T, se “QUuBISISSY...

Datei:Dow, John, 1892-1904 (J.J. Vipond & Co., Dealers in Produce, and Montreal Fruit Auction Co., Montreal, Canada) (ANS Chapman brothers business correspondence) (IA dowjohn18921904j00dowj).pdf

CALDWELL Montreal W. Fri t-Rurr it Ai 2 MANAGER. J. ClOGG JOHN ction Dow Co. 3 sA.ur SAaL >; 36 Aliiiilrcttl. \ H mountain CTn^ street ...

Datei:Food views in the news; a weekly service for food editors of western dailies (IA foodviewsinnews946unit 10).pdf

arc scanning tho grocor^'- shelves for palatable sub^ cu]p shortening, 1 ogg, beaten, 3/4 stitutes. Perhaps the r.iost 'popular stoaid- cup honey, 2 tablesx30ons...

Datei:Public accounts of the North-West Territories (IA ableg 33398004570460 1).pdf

ape ie ae,<8 goUuddI'T Vo! Sue fo fwlisates 066G&GOE066 00 OT 00 066 00 OGG 00 Ba 00 0G6 00 1&6 09 0g 00 00 00 ST. 00 6& 00 00 00 00 00 ‘CIONILNOO—SLdIQOdY...

Datei:AAVV - 2, 1882.djvu

uncp coniecit, similiter Hartung, nisi quod oggu kcck' scripsit. Fort. : ogg' ul'g%q', r)v xl nu&rj, yiyvsxai ccvSql ■nuv.m. — %u-au, B supra y.uy.co...

Datei:The amateur benefit. An entertainment in three acts (IA amateurbenefiten00howa).pdf

s o I g t o 1 V os r. e n t 1. that it bo act^d with as rauch Qari:osti:-OGG and seriQurii:oar;. t'TOughout ao fir xs tho sr-okor: linos are concernrhe...

Datei:Food fights for freedom ... at home and abroad (IA foodfightsforfre1081unit).pdf

vrould ask this: wouldn't such a culling have a Tsad effect on our ogg supply? PIOl: ilo, TDccause the proportion of hens that need to aTjOut...