Hebrew Wikipedia has an article on: ערוץ Wikipedia he עָרוּץ • (arúts) m (singular construct עֲרוּץ־) A channel in the geographic sense, being a stream...
singular construct אֲפִיק־) riverbed, channel, trough transmission channel עָרוּץ (arúts) “אפיק” in the Hebrew Terms Database of the Academy of Hebrew Language...
זֶרֶם פֶּלֶג (péleg), נַחַל (nákhal), אָפִיק (afík), ואדי / וָדִי (vádi), עָרוּץ (arúts), יוּבַל (yuvál) זָרַם • (zarám) (pa'al construction) to flow Conjugation...
(zérem), יוּבַל (yuvál), פֶּלֶג (péleg), אָפִיק (afík), ואדי / וָדִי (vadí), עָרוּץ (arúts) H5158 in Strong, James (1979) Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance to...
(zérem), יוּבַל (yuvál), נַחַל (nákhal), אָפִיק (afík), ואדי / וָדִי (vadí), עָרוּץ (arúts) פֶּלֶג • (péleḡ) m [pattern: קֶטֶל] a male given name, equivalent...
არხი (ka) (arxi) German: Kanal (de) m Greek: κανάλι (el) n (kanáli) Hebrew: עָרוּץ (he) m (arúts) Hindi: चैनल m (cainal) Italian: canale (it) m Japanese: チャンネル (ja)...
Supreme Court must be abolished and a Constitutional Court established]”, in ערוץ 20 [Channel 20][1], Jerusalem: Cable and Satellite Broadcasting Council:...
τηλεοπτικό κανάλι n (tileoptikó kanáli) Hebrew: אפיק שידור m (afík shidúr), ערוץ טלוויזיה m (arúts televízya) Hindi: टीवी चैनल m (ṭīvī cainal) Hungarian:...