4 Results found for "杂讯".


For pronunciation and definitions of 杂讯 – see 雜訊 (“noise”). (This term is the simplified form of 雜訊). Notes: Simplified Chinese is mainly used in Mainland...

(tōngxùnwǎng) 通訊自由/通讯自由 通訊處/通讯处 通訊衛星/通讯卫星 (tōngxùn wèixīng) 通訊錄/通讯录 (tōngxùnlù) 雜訊/杂讯 (záxùn) 電傳視訊/电传视讯 電訊/电讯 (diànxùn) 電訊會議/电讯会议 鞫訊/鞫讯 音訊/音讯 (yīnxùn)   “訊”, in...

雜草叢生/杂草丛生 雜著/杂著 (zázhù) 雜處/杂处 (záchǔ) 雜襲/杂袭 雜覽/杂览 雜言/杂言 雜言詩/杂言诗 雜記/杂记 雜訊/杂讯 (záxùn) 雜評/杂评 雜說/杂说 雜誌/杂志 (zázhì) 雜貨/杂货 (záhuò) 雜貨店/杂货店 (záhuòdiàn) 雜費/杂费...


mix   to question; to ask; to interrogate to question; to ask; to interrogate; rapid; speedy; fast; news; information   trad. (雜訊) 雜 訊 simp. (杂讯) 杂 讯...