9 Results found for "破れる".


[3]) IPA(key): [ja̠bɯ̟ɾe̞ɾɯ̟] Tokyo pitch accent of conjugated forms of 「破れる」 破(やぶ)れる • (yabureru) intransitive ichidan (stem 破(やぶ)れ (yabure), past 破(やぶ)れた...

Jōyō) Kan-on: は (ha, Jōyō) Kun: やぶる (yaburu, 破る, Jōyō)、やぶれる (yabureru, 破れる, Jōyō) Compounds 破(は)魔(ま) (hama): exorcism 破(は)戒(かい) (hakai): breaking a...


falling apart”, the 連用形 (ren'yōkei, “continuative or stem form”) of verb 破れる (yabureru, “to break down, to fall apart”)) +‎ 屋 (ya, “house, building”)...


破れる】 [verb] to be torn; to be worn out [verb] to be broken [verb] to break down; to be broken off [verb] to be defeated (敗れる); to be wounded; to be frustrated...


Passive 破られる やぶられる [yàbúráréꜜrù] Causative 破らせる やぶらせる [yàbúráséꜜrù] Potential 破れる やぶれる [yàbúréꜜrù] Volitional 破ろう やぶろー [yàbúróꜜò] Negative 破らない やぶらない [yàbúráꜜnàì]...


Alternative spelling 破れる...


to crack; to be split [verb] to be able to be divided; to be divisible [verb] (colloquial) to be revealed; to be identified Alternative spelling 破れる...


Japanese verb pair active 破(やぶ)る mediopassive 敗(やぶ)れる 破る is more common in all active senses than 敗る. 敗れる is more common than 破れる for “to be defeated”....


Japanese verb pair active 破(やぶ)る mediopassive 敗(やぶ)れる 破る is more common in all active senses than 敗る. 敗れる is more common than 破れる for “to be defeated”....