Following is a list of terms contained in the former U.S. Bureau of Mines Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms, a publication in the public...
formerly as pit coal or earth coal. c. U.S. Rare. Soft coal as distinguished from anthracite. d. Archaic. Mineral coal. e. Pulverized bituminous coal used...
deliquescent cubic mineral, MnCl (sub 2) . b. A name applied to various minerals, including monticellite, a doubtful selenide of lead, and a brick-red powdery...
orthorhombic mineral, Sb (sub 2) S (sub 3) ; dimorphous with metastibnite; soft; metallic; may contain gold and silver; occurs in massive forms and in vertically...
coal seam or mineral deposit as a result of its removal by mining operations. The subsidence break usually extends from the face upward and backward over...
senaite A trigonal mineral, Pb(Ti,Fe,Mn) (sub 21) O (sub 38) ; crichtonite group; black; forms rounded crystals and grains in diamond-bearing sands. senarmontite...
skarn An old Swedish mining term for silicate gangue (amphibole, pyroxene, garnet, etc.) of certain iron ore and sulfide deposits of Archean age, particularly...
miargyrite A monoclinic mineral, AgSbS (sub 2) ; soft; metallic; in low-temperature hydrothermal veins; an ore of silver. miarolite A granite having miarolitic...
used to cut coal during longwall mining. Usually used in a double-drum configuration. �W d�s �s �A�� � 4 DICTIONARY TERMS:shearing-machine operator See:...
clay minerals and allophane. b. A rock composed of siallite minerals. sialma A mnemonic term derived from (si) for silica, (al) for alumina, and (ma)...