10 Results found for "Category:Fwe_language".

Category:Fwe language

Fwe language links Edit category data Recent changes Fundamental  » All languages  » Fwe This is the main category of the Fwe language. It is spoken in...

Category:Fwe lemmas

changes Fundamental  » All languages  » Fwe  » Lemmas Fwe lemmas, categorized by their part of speech. Category:Fwe morphemes: Fwe word-elements used to form...

Category:fwe:All topics

Edit category data Recent changes Fundamental  » All languages  » Fwe  » All topics Fwe terms organized by topic, such as "Family", "Chemistry", "Planets"...

Category:Fwe morphemes

All languages  » Fwe  » Lemmas  » Morphemes Fwe word-elements used to form full words. Category:Fwe prefixes: Affixes attached to the beginning of Fwe words...

Category:Fwe nouns

Edit category data Recent changes Fundamental  » All languages  » Fwe  » Lemmas  » Nouns Fwe terms that indicate people, beings, things, places, phenomena...

Category:Fwe verbs

Edit category data Recent changes Fundamental  » All languages  » Fwe  » Lemmas  » Verbs Fwe terms that indicate actions, occurrences or states....

Category:Fwe prefixes

Edit category data Recent changes Fundamental  » All languages  » Fwe  » Lemmas  » Morphemes  » Prefixes Affixes attached to the beginning of Fwe words....


Edit category data Recent changes Fundamental  » All languages  » Fwe  » All topics  » Nature Fwe terms related to nature. NOTE: This is a "related-to"...


category data Recent changes Fundamental  » All languages  » Fwe  » All topics  » Nature  » Life Fwe terms related to life. NOTE: This is a "related-to"...


changes Fundamental  » All languages  » Fwe  » All topics  » Lifeforms  » Animals  » Arthropods  » Insects  » Hymenopterans Fwe terms for types or instances...