Pharris and Thomason suggest a connection between the Proto-Salish term and Nez Perce poxpoxs (“ashes”) and pux (“dust”). As part of the undemonstrated...
(“mouse”) Interior Salish Thompson: k'ʷetn'íʔ (“mouse”) Montana Salish: k'ʷékʷt'neʔ (“mouse”) M.S. Fleisher; Clallam: A Study in Coast Salish Ethnolinguistics...
*smɣaw a large, predatory canine or feline Coast Salish Lushootseed: sbiaw (“coyote”) Interior Salish Shuswap: smɣew' (“lynx”) Lillooet: šəmɣáw' (“lynx”)...
found in the Coast Salish group, with the Interior Salish languages using words derived from *t'am-. *t'aməxʷ gooseberry Coast Salish Comox: t'ám'exʷ Halkomelem:...
*mə̣c'ụl pus Coast Salish Klallam: ŋə́c'ł (“pus”) Halkomelem: méθ'eł (“pus”) Squamish: mác'uł (“pus”) Interior Salish Lillooet: mạ́c'ụł (“pus”) Jan Van...
Coast Salish Squamish: qʷuláwa Klallam: qʷłúʔiʔ (“blue camas”) Saanich: qʷłáal (“camas (Camassia sp.)”), qʷłáʔəl (“blue camas”) Interior Salish Shuswap:...
*miχał black bear Coast Salish Comox: mɛχaɬ (“black bear”) Squamish: míχał (“bear”) Interior Salish Lillooet: míχał (“black bear”) Columbia-Wenatchi:...
*qʷəłin birch Coast Salish Squamish: qʷéłiʔn (“birch”) Interior Salish Shuswap: qʷłín (“birch, birch bark”) Okanagan: qʷəqʷłín' (“birch”) Nancy Turner;...
Coast Salish Halkomelem: smôqw'e (“great blue heron”) Squamish: smeḵw'á7 (“great blue heron”) Lushootseed: sbəq̓ʷaʔ (“heron”) Interior Salish Lillooet:...
*wənaʔχ huckleberry Coast Salish Twana: wədʔaχ Interior Salish Shuswap: wenéx Columbia-Wenatchi: sw'ə́naʔχ (“highbush blueberry”) Nancy Turner; Ancient...