{{non-conj-weak2|skip}}} produces Conjugation of non-conj-weak2/documentation — active (weak class 2) Conjugation of non-conj-weak2/documentation — mediopassive...
{{non-conj-weak2-j|syn}}} produces Conjugation of non-conj-weak2-j/documentation — active (weak class 2) Conjugation of non-conj-weak2-j/documentation —...
Conjugation of non-conj-weak2 — active (weak class 2) Conjugation of non-conj-weak2 — mediopassive (weak class 2) The following documentation is located at...
Conjugation of non-conj-weak2-j — active (weak class 2) Conjugation of non-conj-weak2-j — mediopassive (weak class 2) The following documentation is located...