3 Results found for "Wiktionary:Frequency_lists/Lithuanian/assets/css/style.css".

Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Lithuanian/Mixed web/50001-100000

Constantine Cook Copa Corsair Čošiu costae Cotton Countryman County Crawley Cry CSS cukinija cukrinius Culture Cyrus D1-45 DAAD dabartiniuose Dabio Dabyje Dadano...

Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2013/October

MediaWiki:Common.css, and that's not a template so no changes need to "propagate". The browsers of users just need to download the updated style sheet, which...

Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2023/January

would be to do this selectively only for the top X pages of a language by frequency (e.g. the top 10,000). What was proposed a few months ago was to auto-add...