10 Results found for "engañes".


See also: enganes and engañés engañes second-person singular present subjunctive of engañar...


See also: engañes and engañés enganes second-person singular present subjunctive of enganar Hyphenation: en‧ga‧nes enganes second-person singular present...


See also: enganes and engañes engañés second-person singular voseo present subjunctive of engañar...


See also: engane and engañe engañé first-person singular preterite indicative of engañar...


See also: engane and engañé engañe inflection of engañar: first/third-person singular present subjunctive third-person singular imperative...


See also: engañe and engañé engane inflection of enganar: first/third-person singular present subjunctive third-person singular imperative Hyphenation:...


estafar to blindside (reflexive) to fool oneself, to kid oneself No te engañes ― Don't kid yourself.     Conjugation of engañar (See Appendix:Spanish...

siempre y cuando

siempre y cuando que, siempre que, con tal de que Siempre y cuando no me engañes, nos llevaremos bien. As long as you don't play me for a fool, we'll get...

engañar como a un chino

singular present engaño como a un chino, first-person singular preterite engañé como a un chino, past participle engañado como a un chino) (colloquial,...


“Tecnocracia y corrupción, por Carlos Meléndez”, in El Comercio: No se engañe, nuestra élite tecnocrática es premoderna y antiinstitucionalista: teme...