7 Results found for "jóllakik".


-ɒkik jóllakik (intransitive) to eat one's fill (to eat to one's satisfaction, until full) conjugation of jóllakik potential conjugation of jóllakik jóllakat...


third-person singular indicative past indefinite of jóllakik jóllakott past participle of jóllakik jóllakott (comparative jóllakottabb, superlative legjóllakottabb)...


drink until full, to feast Synonyms: eltelik, jóllakik Currently it is only used commonly in the form jóllakik. conjugation of lakik potential conjugation...


drink or some intensive feeling; used with -val/-vel) Synonym: (with food) jóllakik Active-voice counterpart: eltelít conjugation of eltelik potential conjugation...


B: Fine, thank you. Compound words jóllehet   Prefixed verbs jólesik jóllakik → jóllakat jóltart   Expressions jól formált új seprű jól seper   ^ jól...


(intransitive) to eat one's fill (to eat until full) Synonyms: beeszik, jóllakik 1984, Robert Merle, translated by Lívia Görög, Csikóéveink (Francia história;...

eat one's fill

kyllikseen French: manger à sa faim (fr) German: sich satt essen Hungarian: jóllakik (hu), teleeszi magát Japanese: 満腹する (ja) (まんぷくする, manpuku suru) Korean:...