Irish litredacht. By surface analysis, literda (“literary”) + -acht. literdacht f literature book-learning This entry needs an inflection-table template...
From Old Irish literdacht f (“booklearning, literature”), from literda (“literary, literal”). By surface analysis, litearra + -achd. litearrachd f (genitive...
litredacht f Alternative form of literdacht (“literature; book-learning”) Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in Old Irish. All possible...
From Old Irish literdacht, litredacht (“booklearning, literature”), from literda (“literary”) (compare modern liteartha), from liter (“letter”) (compare...
From Old Irish literdacht f (“booklearning, literature”), from literda (“literary, literal”, adjective). By surface analysis, liteartha (“literary; literate”)...
literda literary literal This adjective needs an inflection-table template. literdacht f (“literature; book-learning”) literda m literary man This noun needs...