10 Results found for "odd-numbered".


in Rail, page 25: Powell explained that all even-numbered trains are being built in Switzerland and the odd-numbered trains in Poland. even-numbered...

odd number

odd number (plural odd numbers) (mathematics) Any integer that produces a noninteger when divided by two even number odd-numbered Translations...


plan”, in Rail, page 25: Powell explained that all even-numbered trains are being built in Switzerland and the odd-numbered trains in Poland. odd-numbered...


odd-even (not comparable) (physics) Having an odd number of protons and an even number of neutrons. Coordinate terms: even-even, even-odd, odd-odd an odd-even...


odd-toed (not comparable) Having an odd number of toes. odd-toed ungulate...


even-odd (not comparable) (physics) Having an even number of protons and an odd number of neutrons. Coordinate terms: even-even, odd-even, odd-odd an even-odd...

odd numbers

odd numbers plural of odd number...


function odd job odd-job odd-jobber odd-jobman odd lot odd lotter odd man odd man out odd man wins odd-numbered odd-odd odd one out odd-pinnate odds odd-toed...


annulenylidene (plural annulenylidenes) (organic chemistry) Any carbene derived from an odd-numbered annulene by conversion of the CH2 group to C:...


-odd Plus some indeterminate fraction not amounting to the next higher round number or significant digit; and change; -some. twenty-odd identifiable factors...