7 Results found for "offset_overhand_bend".

offset overhand bend

English Wikipedia has an article on: offset overhand bend Wikipedia offset overhand bend (plural offset overhand bends) A knot used to join two ropes...

offset overhand bends

offset overhand bends plural of offset overhand bend...

Euro death-knot

Wikipedia has an article on: Euro death-knot Wikipedia Euro death-knot (plural Euro death-knots) The knot otherwise known as an offset overhand bend. EDK...


upward. (with the hand from above): overarm offset overhand bend overhand knot overhand (plural overhands) The upper hand; advantage; superiority; mastery...


between OOB January 1, 2007 and COB December 31, 2007. Initialism of offset overhand bend. Initialism of out-of-body. Initialism of off-off-Broadway. SOB (start...


biodiversity offset carbon offset CO₂ offset offset lithography offset overhand bend offset staff offset time photo-offset time offset UTC offset onset set...


Bend Grecian bend hairpin bend harness bend heaving line bend Hunter's bend in bend J-bend L-bend North Bend offset overhand bend per bend per bend sinister...