oktōbõr October Declension of oktōbõr (237) (Gregorian calendar months) janvār, februar, märts, april, maij, jūnij, jūlij, ougust, septembõr, oktōbõr...
oktōbõrs inessive singular of oktōbõr...
oktōbõrd nominative plural of oktōbõr genitive plural of oktōbõr...
oktōbõrõn dative singular of oktōbõr...
oktōbõrt partitive singular of oktōbõr...
oktōbõri partitive plural of oktōbõr...
oktōbõrst elative singular of oktōbõr...
oktōbõrdõks instrumental plural of oktōbõr...
oktōbõrist elative plural of oktōbõr...
oktōbõrõ illative singular of oktōbõr...