-sphere. English Wikipedia has an article on: phyllosphere Wikipedia phyllosphere (plural phyllospheres) (biology) The above-ground surface of plants...
From carpo- + sphere. carposphere (plural carpospheres) (botany) A phyllosphere of fruits...
From caulo- + sphere. caulosphere (plural caulospheres) (botany) A phyllosphere of stems geocaulosphere...
From phyllo- + spheric. phyllospheric (not comparable) Relating to the phyllosphere...
From antho- + sphere. anthosphere (plural anthospheres) (botany) A phyllosphere of flowers...
phyllodulcin phylloxera phyllophyte phylloplane phyllopod phyllopodium phyllosilicate phyllosphere phyllospheric phyllostomatous phyllotaxis phyllomancy...
the genus Poecilominettia co-exist, all of which are known to feed upon the same material, namely phylloplane fungi. (botany) A phyllosphere of leaves...
normiesphere ozonosphere pancreatosphere pathosphere pedosphere photosphere phyllosphere piosphere planisphere plasmasphere plastisphere protonosphere psychosphere...