10 Results found for "shoeshine_girl".

shoeshine girl

shoeshine girl (plural shoeshine girls) A girl who polishes shoes as an occupation. bootblack shoeblack shoeshiner shoeshine boy shoeshiner — see shoeshiner...

shoeshine girls

shoeshine girls plural of shoeshine girl...

shoeshine boy

shoeshine boy (plural shoeshine boys) A boy who polishes shoes as an occupation. bootblack shoeblack shoe boy shoeshiner shoeshine girl shoeshiner — see...


of shoes and boots): bootblack, boots, shoeshine boy, shoeshine girl, shoeshiner shoeblackplant, shoeblack plant shoeshiner — see shoeshiner shockable...

shoe brush

bring up a shine. shoe shine brush, shoeshine brush shoe-leather shoe polish shoeshine shoeshine boy shoeshine girl a brush used to apply shoe polish to...

shoe polish

rubbed onto shoes to make them shine. Synonym: blacking shoe brush shoe-leather shoeshine shoeshine boy shoeshine girl product used to make shoes shine...


From shoe +‎ shine. shoeshine (plural shoeshines) The act of polishing shoes. 1985, Rodger Bradley, Amtrak: The US National Railroad Passenger Corporation...


girl schoolgirl scullery girl sea-girl second girl serving girl shipgirl shoeshine girl shopgirl showgirl singing girl sistergirl skingirl sky girl slavegirl...


man's job separate the men from the boys shag-boy shamba boy shanty boy shoeshine boy shoot the messenger boy shopboy showboy sideboy since Adam was a boy...


shoepolish is what’s filling the roominghouse air. 1978, Charles Levendosky, “shoeshine parlor”, in Aspects of the Vertical, Norman, Okla.: Point Riders Press...