From super- + pipe. superpipe (plural superpipes) (sports, skiing, snowboarding) A large halfpipe, used in certain gravity-based extreme sports such as...
supper (plural pie suppers) A social gathering, mainly associated with Ozark culture, where pies are auctioned to raise money for a local cause. superpipe...
bottom. (skateboarding, snowboarding, skiing, BMX, rollerskating, etc) A ramp, one side of a halfpipe half-pipe pipe superpipe slopestyle tubular ...
Vancouver Olympics with a silver medal yesterday in men's halfpipe. pipe quarter-pipe superpipe A structure used to perform tricks slopestyle tubular ...
pipe and smoke it stopped pipe stovepipe stove-pipe-hatted straight-pipe superpipe tailpipe three-pipe problem tobacco pipe train pipe, trainpipe twire-pipe...