10 Resultados encontrados para "Archivo:En-au-turn_out.ogg".

Archivo:En-au-turn out.ogg

DescriptionEn-au-turn out.ogg English: Pronunciation in English of "turn out". Male, Australian accent. Date 24 May 2019 Source Own work Author Commander...

Archivo:En-au-talk out of turn.ogg

DescriptionEn-au-talk out of turn.ogg English: Pronunciation in English of "talk out of turn". Male, Australian accent. Date 23 May 2019 Source Own work...

Archivo:Outreach Oceania Integrating Wikimedia into the Curriculum.pdf

 plus  the  ogg  extension.  If  you  upload  it  to  the  Commons,  the  =tle  must  be   prefixed  by  "en-­‐"  to ...

Archivo:Flights And Landings - 03 Nov 1918.pdf

w1t.11 it au was that cbara.cte1is.nc SlililE! which .won for lnm the nendship of '.lJ1 I Th~ bond:a bea.r interest Lieutenant Ogg's command. Although...

Archivo:The Link (IA link2410unse).pdf

children getting out — EARLE: Okay, feUa. Were aU We'll just need some advance word so we can get that foam path laid out for you. OGG: Roger. I'll...

Archivo:A prodigy - a tale of music (IA prodigytaleofmus01chor).pdf

diversion than handing across the whipped —and of no answer — "Mr. Ogg, cousin Reverend Mr. Ogg— Brian's The Blue Keys—a friend cousin —my — cream of the morning...

Archivo:Lake Umbagog journals, 1871-1916 (inclusive) (IA lakeumbagogjour18brew).pdf

S. Copyright Office) before January 1, 1929. Public domain works must be out of copyright in both the United States and in the source country of the work...

Archivo:Videowikipedia v1.pdf

opensource codec on the web, overtaking Ogg Theora, which was previously the leading nonproprietary format. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_codec Wendy...

Archivo:History of the burgh of Dumfries (IA cu31924028091357).pdf

sixth century by Lewaroh-Ogg, sou of Lovfarch-Heu, a famous British poet, and after him to have been called Caer-Lewaroh-Ogg, which in the Gaelic signified...

Archivo:The Glendale Evening News 1918-04-25 (IA cgl 003449).pdf

S. Copyright Office) before January 1, 1929. Public domain works must be out of copyright in both the United States and in the source country of the work...