DescriptionOo Gothic L.svg English: upper an lower case Latin letter in URW Gothic L (Century Gothic/URW Gothic/TeX Gyre Adventor) typeface Date 1991 Source...
- Gothic Heb.- Hebrew K.- Kannada Kur.- Kurukh L., Lat.- Latin Lith.- Lithuanian gštif¡ F¿¥òfŸ ï.t. - ïy¡»a tH¡F c.t. - cyf tH¡F v - L. - vL¤J¡fh£L x...
‘A> 2g S24me a = ote oe 7) o Gw a oS = 5 Z © oo $ = > IT w I 2 0” & oO = wu q4 U ¢ cawy i a ee . << . 7 ——— 4 1983...
Old Persian) Old Armenian, Old Greek, Latin, Umbrian-Samnitic, Old Irish, Gothic, Old High German, Lithuanian and Old Bulgarian Publisher Strassburg ; London :...
for information have been, oollaatad hv Sir Walter Trevelyan, who died in svg.’”of load; while they wore in 1', beginners which, if obeved fnlthfitljv...