Postprocessing with pdf2svg, Inkscape and Scour: x=Qcircuit_NOT; pdflatex $x.tex; pdf2svg $x.pdf $x_.svg; inkscape --verb=EditSelectAll --verb=SelectionUnGroup...
Postprocessing with pdf2svg, Inkscape and Scour: x=Qcircuit_I; pdflatex $x.tex; pdf2svg $x.pdf $x_.svg; inkscape --verb=EditSelectAll --verb=SelectionUnGroup...
Postprocessing with pdf2svg, Inkscape and Scour: x=Qcircuit_measure; pdflatex $x.tex; pdf2svg $x.pdf $x_.svg; inkscape --verb=EditSelectAll --verb=SelectionUnGroup...
Postprocessing with pdf2svg, Inkscape and Scour: x=Qcircuit_CH; pdflatex $x.tex; pdf2svg $x.pdf $x_.svg; inkscape --verb=EditSelectAll --verb=SelectionUnGroup...
Postprocessing with pdf2svg, Inkscape and Scour: x=Qcircuit_X; pdflatex $x.tex; pdf2svg $x.pdf $x_.svg; inkscape --verb=EditSelectAll --verb=SelectionUnGroup...
Postprocessing with pdf2svg, Inkscape and Scour: x=Qcircuit_S; pdflatex $x.tex; pdf2svg $x.pdf $x_.svg; inkscape --verb=EditSelectAll --verb=SelectionUnGroup...
Postprocessing with pdf2svg, Inkscape and Scour: x=Qcircuit_RY; pdflatex $x.tex; pdf2svg $x.pdf $x_.svg; inkscape --verb=EditSelectAll --verb=SelectionUnGroup...
Postprocessing with pdf2svg, Inkscape and Scour: x=Qcircuit_CZ; pdflatex $x.tex; pdf2svg $x.pdf $x_.svg; inkscape --verb=EditSelectAll --verb=SelectionUnGroup...
Postprocessing with pdf2svg, Inkscape and Scour: x=Qcircuit_CU; pdflatex $x.tex; pdf2svg $x.pdf $x_.svg; inkscape --verb=EditSelectAll --verb=SelectionUnGroup...
Postprocessing with pdf2svg, Inkscape and Scour: x=Qcircuit_SWAP; pdflatex $x.tex; pdf2svg $x.pdf $x_.svg; inkscape --verb=EditSelectAll --verb=SelectionUnGroup...