DescriptionVAI SYLLABLE SU.svg English: A Vai glyph in Noto Sans Vai font. Date 3 April 2022 Source Own work Author Ekirahardian...
always a In the diphthong it is placed over the second vowel as, ajAa, lyci, svgs> ou-rog. beginning a word, has always the spiritus asper. if single, has...
on; Peg, Ipvcj, Latin draic ; ipku), vestis) trrjg, ; relative; tiSvg, agreeable; "iXiog, city Ilios ; laog, equal; oIkoq, house; On the operation...
enjoyed. T H E AUTHOR. vu PREFACE «0 <rBE ^econo £ t (ZEBition. comparSvg ike second with the former Edtiion^ it w ill he perceived that the Iduthor...