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derived from: Pannonia secunda.png Projection: EPSG 3857 Rivers: European catchments and Rivers network system (Ecrins) Author Pannonia secunda.png: PANONIAN...
egye_rovod_tortenete/pannonia_4_nagy.jpg http://www.geocities...
egye_rovod_tortenete/pannonia_4_nagy.jpg http://www.geocities...
etiam penetraverat in Galliam. V. vers. 22. A. C. 409 Alarico Italiam Pannonia lateque et Illyrico ingresso, perruptis ejus e infudisse se, claustris...
Thracia Outcut from Roman provinces of Illyricum, Macedonia, Dacia, Moesia, Pannonia and Thracia.jpg Deutsch: die thrakischen Provinzen nach der Reform von...
Middle Danube. The Survival of Roman Settlement along the Middle Danube: Pannonia from the Fourth to the Tenth Century AD. Neil Christie Issue. Oxford Journal...
Caucasian Albania 422 534 45 29 1270 1859 Armenia 331 971 54 32 1270 1859 Pannonia 763 1357 76 64 1270 1859 Mauritania Tinguitania, Mauretania (Tinguitania)...