DescriptionPersian Gulf Cable.png English: Image showing approximate route of Persian Gulf telegraphic cables Date 19 August 2011 Source National Aeronautical...
Penang and Singa pore .................... 8. Prance ................ 9. Persian Gulf........ 10. Siam .................... 12,23,559 5,65,989 4,42,978 16...
looting ita bazaars. Six Persians were killed. The scene of the trouble is •t the head of the Persian Gulf near the MesopetamianPersian frontier. TRAIN SMASH...
famous explorers and political figures. Arabian Gulf; Arabian Peninsula; Himalaya Mountains; Persian Gulf 中文:这幅 1885 年的地图展示了自奥斯曼帝国首都君士坦丁堡至英属印度间的版图。19...
features, and submarine telegraph cables in the Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea. Two distance scales are given, one in Persian fursakhs (also seen as parasangs...
features, and submarine telegraph cables in the Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea. Two distance scales are given, one in Persian fursakhs (also seen as parasangs...