English The Discovery Space Shuttle applies to jurisdiction: United States of America determination method: work of the federal government of the United...
English Space shuttle launch Japanese スペースシャトルの打ち上げ French Navette spatiale américaine German Space Shuttle Galician Lanzamento do transbordador espacial...
1856 English: Shadow of the Shuttle English The International Space Station as seen from the departing Space Shuttle Discovery during STS-119. determination...
English applies to jurisdiction: United States of America determination method or standard: work of the federal government of the United States...
wikipedia. 2004-08-03 15:41 Svdmolen 419×640× (29140 bytes) Space Shuttle Discovery- NASA-foto dus publiek domein English applies to jurisdiction: United...
work of the following images: File:Concluding_the_STS-133_mission,_Space_Shuttle_Discovery_touches_down_at_the_Shuttle_Landing_Facility.jpg licensed...
English Slovak NASA: "Astronauti na palube vesmírneho raketoplánu Discovery nahrali zachytili fenomén splnu Mesiaca čiastočne zahmleného atmosférou Zeme...
work of the following images: File:Concluding_the_STS-133_mission,_Space_Shuttle_Discovery_touches_down_at_the_Shuttle_Landing_Facility.jpg licensed...
work of the following images: File:Concluding_the_STS-133_mission,_Space_Shuttle_Discovery_touches_down_at_the_Shuttle_Landing_Facility.jpg licensed...
English Space Shuttle Discovery in orbit German Discovery applies to jurisdiction: United States of America determination method: work of the federal...