(*Export["scene.gif",frames,AnimationRepetitions->Infinity,"DisplayDurations"->.1]*) (* ::Input:: *) (*SystemOpen[%]*) English Perpendicularly rotated polarizers block...
(*Export*) (* ::Input::Initialization:: *) filename = "test2.gif"; anim = generateAnimation[4]; (* ::Input::Initialization:: *) frames =rasterizeFrameSequence[anim...
BY-SA 4.0 Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 truetrue This animation was created using Wolfram language 12.0.0 for Microsoft Windows (64-bit)...
DescriptionRising circular.gif English: Animation of a circularly polarized wave as a sum of two components Deutsch: Entstehung einer zirkularen Polarisation...
Izračun vsake je trajal približno 13 minut. English: The animation demonstrates the propagation of a two-dimensional Gaussian wave packet, which obeys the wave...
DescriptionPIA06241-br500.gif English: Although it is far too cold for blossoming flowers, summer does bring storm clouds and presumably rain to Titan's...
station on the right. Each detection station consists of a polarizing beam splitter and two detection screens. The detection stations can measure the polarization...