Uffizi Gallery Native name Galleria degli Uffizi Location Florence Coordinates 43° 46′ 06″ N, 11° 15′ 19″ E Established 1581 (built), 1765 (open...
empfangen. Links im Bild Zephire (Winde), die ihre Reise übers Meer möglich machten. Derivative works of this file: Anon-Pixel-Face.jpg English Sandro Botticelli...
00285076 (Uffizi Gallery) Place of creation Italy References https://www.wga.hu/html/m/masaccio/z_panels/st_anne.html https://www.uffizi.it/opere/santa-anna-masaccio...
Uffizi Gallery Native name Galleria degli Uffizi Location Florence Coordinates 43° 46′ 06″ N, 11° 15′ 19″ E Established 1581 (built), 1765 (open...