Description2016 Democratic Party presidential primaries delegates.svg English: Democratic Party presidential primaries, 2016 (Delegate results). Date 14 June 2016 Source...
based on Statewide Delegate Equivalents. 98 188 70 73 959 593 Popular vote not released. Winner of Nevada based on county level delegates. 875 61 32 38 959...
#set up two data frames: #df2 has the delegates won per candidate and per date #df3 has the cumulatative delegate count per candidate and per date df2...
Description2016 Democratic Party presidential primaries delegate count.svg English: 2016 Democratic Party presidential primaries delegate count. Date 14 June 2016 Source...
(November 9, 2016). "Presidential Election Results: Donald J. Trump Wins". The New York Times. English States have delegates in proportion to average...
scale_y_continuous(labels=percent) + labs(x="Date", y="% Pledged delegates", title="Share of delegates", fill="Candidate", colour="Candidate") #display plot d...
Each Iowan county is colored for the candidate with the most Statewide Delegate Equivalents. 1781 58 134 233 1920 1216 Maine results are incomplete English...
background = element_rect(fill="transparent",colour = NA)) #display plot svg(filename="gap.svg", width=ceiling(nrow(df)/6)+1, height=5, pointsize=12, bg="transparent")...
2016 (Democratic Party, only pledged delegates).svg English: The State Delegation Vote for the American Presidential Nomination in 2016 (Democratic Party...
Republican Party presidential primaries results by county Republican Party presidential primaries results U.S. states by the number of delegates (Republican...