Photographer Lamkin, Marcus Title 8and-148; x 10and-148; black and white photographic print made from original 1933, 8and-148; x 10and-148; black and white photographic...
Title Photocopy of drawing (this photograph is an 8and-148; x 10and-148; copy of an 8and-148; x 10and-148; negative; 1997 original architectural drawing...
Photographer Lamkin, Marcus Title 8and-148; x 10and-148; black and white photographic print made from original 1934, 8and-148; x 10and-148; black and white photographic...
Photographer Lamkin, Marcus Title 8and-148; x 10and-148; black and white photographic print made from original 1934, 8and-148; x 10and-148; black and white photographic...
Photographer Lamkin, Marcus Title 8and-148; x 10and-148; black and white photographic print made from original 1934, 8and-148; x 10and-148; black and white photographic...
Photographer Lamkin, Marcus Title 8and-148; x 10and-148; black and white photographic print made from original 1934, 8and-148; x 10and-148; black and white photographic...
Photographer Lamkin, Marcus Title 8and-148; x 10and-148; black and white photographic print made from original 1934, 8and-148; x 10and-148; black and white photographic...
Photographer Lamkin, Marcus Title 8and-148; x 10and-148; black and white photographic print made from original 1934, 8and-148; x 10and-148; black and white photographic...
Photographer Lamkin, Marcus Title 8and-148; x 10and-148; black and white photographic print made from original 1935, 8and-148; x 10and-148; black and white photographic...
Photographer Lamkin, Marcus Title 8and-148; x 10and-148; black and white photographic print made from original 1933, 8and-148; x 10and-148; black and white photographic...