Deutsch (German) Griffwechsel G-Dur - F-Dur ausführlich feel free to correct my spelling. English cord changing G-major - F-major (smoth) English...
Harold f 500×300×4 (11135 bytes) Slightly edited version of [[Image:G-quadruplex.svg]], places front line in front. 2007-10-23 21:58 Harold f 500×300×4...
F.svg]][[Image:Note 0.svg]][[Image:Note G.svg]][[Image:Note 0.svg]][[Image:Note AA.svg]][[Image:Note 0.svg]][[Image:Note BB.svg]][[Image:Note 0.svg]][[Image:Note...
File:F sharp (G_flat) augmented chord for guitar.svg, File:F major chord for guitar.svg and File:F augmented chord for guitar.svg, and guided by File:F major...
\break <g,, g, f g b>4-> <g,, g, f g b>8 <g,, g, f g b>8 <g,, g, f g b>4-> <g,, g, f g b>8 <g,, g, f g b>8 <g,, g, f g b>8 r8 r4 r2 <c, g, c>4-! <c g c'>4-...
treble c''4 b'8 a'8 g'2 \bar "||" <c' e'>4 <d' f'>4 <e' g'>2 \bar "||" <g' e''>4 <f' d''>4 <e' c''>2 \bar "||" c''8[ d''8] e''8[ f''8] g''2 \bar "||" } \new...
Deutsch (German) G-Dur-Akkord mit F# im Bass. Slash-Akkord (Slash-Cord) G/F# English determination method or standard: SHA-1...
-112,48,-112,107c0,132,103,242,233,242z" /> </g> </svg> English Austrian German Notenschlüssel Bass (F) author name string: pd4u Wikimedia username: Pd4u...
"vaticana-fa2" \[ g a g \] \[ f \flexa e \] f g \augmentum d \divisioMinima a\ictus g a \[ f \pes g \] a \augmentum a \divisioMinima \[ g \flexa f \] \[ e \flexa...
f g) } e4 d e8( c) d4 f g a g f8( d) d4 } } \score { \new Staff { \clef bass \time 5/4 \times 2/3 { g8( a g) } f( e) f4 g d a g a f8( g) a4 a g8( f)...