Geography, history, and civil government of Minnesota; ( ) Author [Harrington, Frederick W.] [from old catalog] Title Geography, history, and civil...
English History of Stearns County, Minnesota; volume 1...
Review diagrams of U.S. history, civil government, geography, grammar, reading, arithmetic, physiology, and penmanship ( ) Author Humphrey, James W...
Illinois: its history, civil government, geography, map drawing and the United States surveys of the state .. ( ) Author McCullough, Nathaniel N. [from...
History and civil government of Iowa ( ) Author Seerley, Homer Horatio, 1848- [from old catalog] Parish, Leonard Woods, 1850- [from old catalog] joint...
History and civil government of Iowa ( ) Author Seerley, Homer Horatio, 1848- Parrish, Leonard Woods, 1850- Title History and civil government of Iowa...
History and civil government of Louisiana ( ) Author Ficklen, John Rose, 1858-1907 Hinsdale, B. A. (Burke Aaron), 1837-1900 Title History and civil...
English The Wisconsin Magazine of History, Volume 3...
standard: work of the federal government of the United States author name string: Mehls, Steven F title: The new empire of the Rockies : a history of northeast...
Humphrey's Review diagrams. An outline of U. S. history, civil government, geography, grammar, reading .. ( ) Author Humphrey, James W. [from old catalog]...