DescriptionHadamard gate.svg English: Hadamard gate Source Created in LaTeX by the following code: \documentclass[11pt]{article} \input{Qcircuit} \thispagestyle{empty}...
0 truetrue English This is the standard yellow representation of a Hadamard gate in the ZX-calculus Wikimedia username: Johnie102 URL: https://commons...
Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 truetrue English This is the decomposition of the Hadamard gate into ZXZ Euler angles Wikimedia username: Johnie102 URL: https://commons...
\qw & \raisebox{-8ex}{=} & & \gate{H} & \targ & \gate{H} & \qw \\ & \targ & \qw & & & \gate{H} & \control\qw\qwx & \gate{H} & \qw }} \end{document} Postprocessing...
\raisebox{-7ex}{=} & & \qw & \ctrl{1} & \qw & \qw \\ & \targ & \qw & & & \gate{H} & \gate{Z} & \gate{H} & \qw }} \end{document} Postprocessing with pdf2svg, Inkscape...
\\ & \gate{H} & \qw }} \end{document} Postprocessing with pdf2svg, Inkscape and Scour: x=Qcircuit_CH; pdflatex $x.tex; pdf2svg $x.pdf $x_.svg; inkscape...
\raisebox{-7ex}{$|\psi\rangle \Bigg\{$} & & \lstick{} & \gate{H} & \qw & \raisebox{-5ex}{$=$} & & \gate{H} & \qw & \raisebox{-5ex}{$=$} & & \qw & \multigate{1}{H...
8em { & \gate{H} & \qw }} \end{document} Postprocessing with pdf2svg, Inkscape and Scour: x=Qcircuit_H; pdflatex $x.tex; pdf2svg $x.pdf $x_.svg; inkscape...
two-qubit computational basis states. The circuit consists of a CNOT gate followed by a Hadamard operation. In the outputs, a and b take on values of 0 or 1....
\[ \Qcircuit @C=1.0em @R=.7em { \raisebox{-8ex}{$\Bigg($} & \lstick{} & \gate{H} & \ctrl{1} & \qw & & \raisebox{-8ex}{$\Bigg)^{\dagger} = $} \\ & \lstick{}...