DescriptionIEEE 315 Fundamental Items Symbols (122).svg العربية: عنصر حراري / مُحوّل ميكانيكي حراري، جهاز تشغيل، ذاتي التسخين أو مع سخّان خارجي (بشكل أساسي،...
IEEE 315 Fundamental Items Symbols (122).svg IEEE 315 Contacts, Switches, Contactors, and Relays Symbols (39).svg (in English) (1993) 315-1975 - IEEE...
IEEE 315 Fundamental Items Symbols (122).svg IEEE 315 Contacts, Switches, Contactors, and Relays Symbols (6).svg (in English) (1993) 315-1975 - IEEE Standard...
derived from: IEEE 315 Fundamental Items Symbols (122).svg IEEE 315 Contacts, Switches, Contactors, and Relays Symbols (5).svg IEEE 315 Contacts, Switches...
Source This file was derived from: IEEE 315 Fundamental Items Symbols (122).svg (in English) (1993) 315-1975 - IEEE Standard American National Standard...
derived from: IEEE 315 Fundamental Items Symbols (122).svg IEEE 315 Contacts, Switches, Contactors, and Relays Symbols (5).svg IEEE 315 Contacts, Switches...
derived from: IEEE 315 Fundamental Items Symbols (122).svg IEEE 315 Contacts, Switches, Contactors, and Relays Symbols (5).svg IEEE 315 Contacts, Switches...
derived from: IEEE 315 Fundamental Items Symbols (122).svg IEEE 315 Contacts, Switches, Contactors, and Relays Symbols (5).svg IEEE 315 Contacts, Switches...