Author Maurice, Thomas Title The Modern History of Hindustan; comprehending that of the Greek Empire of Bactria and other Great Asiatic Kingdoms, Boarding...
English The Public Domain Song Anthology with Modern and Traditional Harmonization...
The Modern History Of Hindustan-vol-i ( ) Author Printed For The Author,by W. Bulmer And Co. Cleveland-row, St.jame’s And Sold By J. White, Fleet-street...
The modern vernacular of Hindustan ( ) Author Grierson, George Abraham, Sir, 1851-1941 Asiatic Society (Calcutta, India) Journal Title The modern vernacular...
The Independent Hindustan, Volume I, Number 4 ( ) Author Ghadar Party Title The Independent Hindustan, Volume I, Number 4 Publisher Gadar Party Description...
Travels in Hindustan and China ( ) Author Malcolm, Howard, 1799-1879 Title Travels in Hindustan and China Publisher Edinburgh : William and Robert...
Folk tales of Hindustan ( ) Author 1861-1918? rai Bahadur Srisa Chandra Vasu Title Folk tales of Hindustan Publisher Allahhabad Panini office Description...
Tabakat-i-Nasiri - A General History of the Muhammadan Dynasties of Asia Including Hindustan (2 Volume Set) ( ) Author Minhaj al-Siraj Juzjani Translator...
Dutt: Ancient Ballads and Legends of Hindustan Author Toru Dutt Title Ancient Ballads And Legends Of Hindustan Second Edition Publisher Kegan Paul...
Missions in Hindústán : with a brief description of the country, and of the moral and social condition of the inhabitants ( ) Author Campbell, James...