10 Résultats trouvés pour "Fichier:The_Negro_Family_-_The_Case_For_National_Action.pdf".

Fichier:The Negro Family - The Case For National Action.pdf

poverty in the United States applies to jurisdiction: United States of America determination method or standard: work of the federal government of the United...

Fichier:Masterpieces of Negro Eloquence.pdf

English Masterpieces of Negro Eloquence...

Fichier:The Negro Family — The Case for National Action (Moynihan Report).pdf

English applies to jurisdiction: United States of America determination method or standard: work of the federal government of the United States...

Fichier:Introduction to anthropology; (IA introductiontoan00waituoft).pdf

Internet Archive ID: introductiontoan00waituoft described at URL: https://archive.org/download/introductiontoan00waituoft/introductiontoan00waituoft.pdf...

Fichier:East Oregonian- October 13, 1904.pdf

English PDF form of the East Oregonian newspaper published by Andrew Cutler. determination method or standard: SHA-1...

Fichier:El Malcriado "The Voice of the Farm Worker" No.18.pdf

Malcriado "The Voice of the Farm Worker" No.18 described at URL: https://libraries.ucsd.edu/farmworkermovement/ufwarchives/elmalcriado/adair/No18.pdf...

Fichier:Life of Audubon, the naturalist of the New World; his adventures and discoveries (IA cu31924089421543).pdf

operator: Internet Archive Internet Archive ID: cu31924089421543 described at URL: https://archive.org/download/cu31924089421543/cu31924089421543.pdf...

Fichier:The American journal of science. (IA mobot31753002152723).pdf

Internet Archive Internet Archive ID: mobot31753002152723 described at URL: https://archive.org/download/mobot31753002152723/mobot31753002152723.pdf...

Fichier:Contributions to the natural history of the alligator (Crocodilus mississippiensis) With a microscopic addendum (IA contributionston00dowl).pdf

contributionston00dowl described at URL: https://archive.org/download/contributionston00dowl/contributionston00dowl.pdf determination method or standard: SHA-1...

Fichier:The life of Richard Owen (IA liferichardowen2owen).pdf

Internet Archive Internet Archive ID: liferichardowen2owen described at URL: https://archive.org/download/liferichardowen2owen/liferichardowen2owen.pdf...