10 Résultats trouvés pour "Fichier:UJC-PNG_menor.png".

Fichier:UJC-PNG menor.png

DescriptionUJC-PNG menor.png Italiano: Logo dell'Unione della Gioventù Comunista (Brasile) Português: Logotipo da União da Juventude Comunista (Brasil)...

Fichier:Beauty & good properties of women (otherwise, Calisto & Melibæa ) date of the earliest known edition. c. 1530 (Bodleian library, Malone collection) reproduced in facsimile, 1909 (IA beautygoodproper00londrich).pdf

tfjteDefprpns \ ' . ^ iC 3lt)er:^^eto!rfflen|j;ge?Do3beUorno Cljat yc Defrrc UjcU 3 t^pnfe not Co for as Cone gotdto timr&ec: t^ lambps fell 30 tt)e C^pppC/none...

Fichier:The institution of christian religion (IA institutionofchr1561calv).pdf

tbat of btin toe mapbe fiUcOrTijf bonne fcruantes of imne, ibac of ^im ujc map be mao^ fre:?b(tniie,t|iatof$pmiDcmapebeenli9()tenrD:'lat}i£,.tt)ateff}pmU)c...

Fichier:The history of trauayle in the West and East Indies, and other countreys lying eyther way towardes the fruitfull and ryche Moluccaes. As Moscouia, Persia, Arabia, Syria, Aegypte (IA historyoftrauayl02willrich).pdf

jtt3U)crctljep enfo?ceo to returne backc agapne, fpfee bnto men tfjat came from fljpy tmacke, bi png almoit confumco fitie. uittfj mere ljunpjer, bewtife...

Fichier:A light bondell of liuly discourses called Churchyardes charge, presented as a Newe yeres gifte to the right honourable, the Earle of Surrie .. (IA lightbondellofli00chur).pdf

be tk)>ougbt,to b^png tbis tbiitg abont^ 3in fuci)e affaires (ante fpakefoll iiure,tljat are full luefi to ooubt* fo} connnonlp men take no cars,of otbers...

Fichier:The legende, named in Latyn Legenda aurea that is to say in Englysshe The golden legende (IA legendenamedinla00jaco).pdf

gouernaunce/ flje toaief tofoze all otfter reap to ferue ttjem ^ Jtoere fcfec/a^ujc^aDbcnant^anDmapDeojfcr multpplpco it Co moclje / p cucrpcljc lefte fome...

Fichier:A treatyse of fysshynge wyth an angle (IA treatyseoffysshy00bern).pdf

mahptt).pet (osplp Doott) t^e fa:# : ».2('t mmif tpbe i^ ^anp tl)c oeUjc [)t i& \)be^tf fljoDe tjnto ^io taplle* Dceoe of magce maktt|f me otl^er...

Fichier:De ossium metacarpi exarticulatione - dissertatio inauguralis ... (IA b22398260).pdf

:Ai: ^:?Mo T;r;{ioc?. ojorad [i!T ,::'otdoi ;;o ^ :>T,I ,.i!02 id!>ujc> Ta .«n:: )/iot ,:iJ,T‘I CKiariiTo^rjui: I ?AiTH4:n'r i^'r/je:a:jTa...

Fichier:Medical Heritage Library (IA 2285078R.nlm.nih.gov).pdf

to everye uryne, and every uryne hys urynall muche profytable for every men to knowe   (  ) Author Copland, William, -1568 or 1569, printer Title Here...

Fichier:Lanzelot und Sanderein (IA lanzelotundsande00huebiala).pdf

banac fo ba^ mwf. (15cjialt nngeum bae aue Ciiftcn auf ben unb i^tn ujc^t, ben gan^cn lUDalb. fcmcr tDonmgcn 1:am cue t)ct Icfe fiif cr fteflt...