DescriptionUJC-PNG menor.png Italiano: Logo dell'Unione della Gioventù Comunista (Brasile) Português: Logotipo da União da Juventude Comunista (Brasil)...
tfjteDefprpns \ ' . ^ iC 3lt)er:^^eto!rfflen|j;ge?Do3beUorno Cljat yc Defrrc UjcU 3 t^pnfe not Co for as Cone gotdto timr&ec: t^ lambps fell 30 tt)e C^pppC/none...
tbat of btin toe mapbe fiUcOrTijf bonne fcruantes of imne, ibac of ^im ujc map be mao^ fre:?b(tniie,t|iatof$pmiDcmapebeenli9()tenrD:'lat}i£,.tt)ateff}pmU)c...
jtt3U)crctljep enfo?ceo to returne backc agapne, fpfee bnto men tfjat came from fljpy tmacke, bi png almoit confumco fitie. uittfj mere ljunpjer, bewtife...
be tk)>ougbt,to b^png tbis tbiitg abont^ 3in fuci)e affaires (ante fpakefoll iiure,tljat are full luefi to ooubt* fo} connnonlp men take no cars,of otbers...
gouernaunce/ flje toaief tofoze all otfter reap to ferue ttjem ^ Jtoere fcfec/a^ujc^aDbcnant^anDmapDeojfcr multpplpco it Co moclje / p cucrpcljc lefte fome...
mahptt).pet (osplp Doott) t^e fa:# : ».2('t mmif tpbe i^ ^anp tl)c oeUjc [)t i& \)be^tf fljoDe tjnto ^io taplle* Dceoe of magce maktt|f me otl^er...
:Ai: ^:?Mo T;r;{ioc?. ojorad [i!T ,::'otdoi ;;o ^ :>T,I ,.i!02 id!>ujc> Ta .«n:: )/iot ,:iJ,T‘I CKiariiTo^rjui: I ?AiTH4:n'r i^'r/je:a:jTa...
to everye uryne, and every uryne hys urynall muche profytable for every men to knowe ( ) Author Copland, William, -1568 or 1569, printer Title Here...
banac fo ba^ mwf. (15cjialt nngeum bae aue Ciiftcn auf ben unb i^tn ujc^t, ben gan^cn lUDalb. fcmcr tDonmgcn 1:am cue t)ct Icfe fiif cr fteflt...