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corporis parte oriun, numero ponendus quoque eUrtenif nouns , ft dis placet, busdam medicis difficilis morbus, none certe a qui- defcriptus, valde...
a* m begpmtpn& of cftfe fte fpeabe onrip uf t&pnge* febicfce , Cm png tfrrefine into/into, toe came to a arnepo?te,ttcte great antt&ttwtf rpticr/^wjpalTctf...
An potius infenfiles parriculx vorticofo turbine agitantur , ut aliis placet? Mirandum fane caloris vehementiftlmi, ex attritu quam minimo temporis inftanti...
Cfjiiff a! Honed, copper cbapne0,^biacelew,baukej{ fuebe otber fine belte^oo^png glalfes.anii atrffebefe Ujpngc^ tbep fetwacbe bp 5^ great* tpeflecme: fo...
tntbtslaftbooliefljall be btterea ana fette footfb certapne embelleQj* png receptes, concerning onlpboneftabealtb* fome accotatton ana clenlpneffe,...
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minifterio, curat & officio aegrotantium operam danc, exculpari & probari potefh Placet hoc loco faltim in tranfitu morborum genericam confiderationetn inftituere:...