DescriptionArt deco relief, McDougall & Cowans Building.jpg <a href="" rel="nofollow">Édifice...
Angeles were guests over the week-end of th e ir daughter, Mrs. Thos. G. McDougall and family of 128 W est Elk avenue. They re turned to their home Monday...
stieet ot the town. Close to the ri‘ * " l| l i n T i i i Thom as G. McDougall and his fam - soon to become the bride of B . W. lodged in the county...
Mrs. C. R . Norton of 801 E a s t ! co and other northern points. as McDougall, Myrtle Brow n, Vevia 117 NORTH BRAND G LEN D A LE, C A L IF. Glendale...
parrot.—(Z-o Beltd Asaemblee.) X Cadet H. Rawlinson. Cadet N . P . McDougall.Cadet C. J . T. Dubre. Cadet Wm. Brown. Cadet S. W A Rart. Cadet Thos...
and the best type of men Jlnri ing her absence Mrs. Fam Mrs. Thos. G. Mcdougall of 12S of 314 East Chestnut street. Mrs. be employed as policemen hostesses...