Sculpture of Prince Shotoku in Asuka Dera. Photo by Chris 73 in February 2005 English determination method or standard: SHA-1...
DescriptionAsuka-dera, a058.jpg English: This is a statue of Prince Shotoku, the grandson of Umako. Shotoku was prince regent and a great patron of Buddhism...
DescriptionAsuka-dera Asuka Nara pref09s3945.jpg English: Asuka-dera in Asuka, Nara Prefecture, Japan. 日本語: 飛鳥寺, 奈良県明日香村 Camera: Sony DSLR-A700 Lens: Sony...
DescriptionStatue of Prince Shōtoku at Tachibanadera.jpg 日本語: 奈良県明日香村・橘寺所蔵の木造聖徳太子坐像(重要文化財)。1515年(永正12年)の作。 English: The statue of Prince Shōtoku made in 1515...