Description: The British Museum, Room 19 - Greece: The Acropolis and Late 5th Century BC Room 19 has Greek material from the later 5th century BC, including...
Description: The British Museum, Room 19 - Greece: The Acropolis and Late 5th Century BC Room 19 has Greek material from the later 5th century BC, including...
BurnRilled in action—Gnr. H. A. Hadley, ston; Gnr J. B. Shanks, England; Gnr. England ; Sapper (‘has. Cargill. H* ot British West Indies; Gnr. Tied PrltK. G...
lebnng beg 8olM «erfaffung, btefer erflen ^ugleid; bic üx iicbette gnr hr\n(\cn, erbeifcbte, bcgünftigte He SHe* unb be^ einem ausgegebenen...
ber Her; fdjiebenen ba ^eifpiet ba§> üiel 33üd)er gnr !t)arfteflnng ü6er5engenber §n gnr SSerbeutlid^ung ber (Eintragungen, ey für ben noriicgenben...
Artillery. Died-rGnr. J. Nancarrow, Campbellford. Out. xrotmdeff— Sgt N. K wnson, Ot tawa; Gnr. II. Condon. Winnipeg; Gnr. T. James. Calgary; Gnr. Wm. Lancas...
war— Killed In action—Gnr L W. Sharp. passed Inspection by Mr. Manley'. It Pte. Williams, Winnipeg. New Westminster. B. (*.: Gnr. J. A Wounded —Pte. Geo...
Cook, Ottawa. Mr. Wounded—Gnr F J, Hullivk. Eng Alfred 11 'ouk is the honorary secretary of the land; Gnr E C Jacob. England; Gnr Lee Sgt. Harry B. Moore...
" fer t0(foent*ja fpr4(t) ber mann/ id> * wä ee reefee verfemen / iff gnr gefcbeffeig/ rÄumpr nufjrV fege bat pauß/ fingt feüt wie bie wetber / bat...
Pte. B. Bow - arines. Ont.; Gnr. U C. KenL Hum {AMERICAN AIRMEN ron, Centralia. Wash.; Pte. T. Lloyd. ber Bay. ont.; Gnr/ C. A. Macdonald. AIDED BY VESSEL...