DescriptionCelts, 4th century BC.png Celts, 4th century BC. Dubious / unreferenced. Compare File:Distribution of Celts in Europe.png Date 11 April 2005...
png Celtic expansion.PNG Celtic expansion in Europe.svg Celts in Europe-fr.svg Celts ua.GIF Distribution of Celts in Europe.png SVG development InfoField...
expansion by the 4th century BC L: La Tène site H: Hallstatt site I: Iberia B: British Isles G: Galatia, settled in the 3rd century BC (after 279 BC) Français :...
file: Commercio della civiltà nuragica.svg Iberia 300BC-fr.svg Ibèria el 300 aC.svg Ethnographic Iberia 200 BCE.PNG Languages of pre-Roman Iberia.jpg...