10 Talált eredmények "Fájl:Church_Heart_of_the_Andes.jpg".

Fájl:Church Heart of the Andes.jpg

45 448 31 22 983 535 Church signed and dated the painting here. English Esperanto La Koro de la Andoj de Frederic Edwin Church (1826-1900) Russian Сердце...

Fájl:Heart of the Andes MET DP156437.jpg

English Heart of the Andes - painting by Frederic Edwin Church (MET, 09.95)...

Fájl:Heart of the Andes MET DT78.jpg

English Heart of the Andes - painting by Frederic Edwin Church (MET, 09.95)...

Fájl:Heart of the Andes MET DP244561.jpg

English Heart of the Andes - painting by Frederic Edwin Church (MET, 09.95)...

Fájl:Heart of the Andes MET RC 041R5.jpg

English Heart of the Andes - painting by Frederic Edwin Church (MET, 09.95)...

Fájl:Heart of the Andes MET DT282445.jpg

English Heart of the Andes - painting by Frederic Edwin Church, Right side (MET, 09.95)...

Fájl:Heart of the Andes MET DT330503.jpg

English Heart of the Andes - painting by Frederic Edwin Church, center bottom, rapids and pool (MET, 09.95)...

Fájl:Heart of the Andes MET DT282444.jpg

English Heart of the Andes - painting by Frederic Edwin Church, lower right, riverbank with trees and flowers (MET, 09.95)...

Fájl:Heart of the Andes MET DT330502.jpg

English Heart of the Andes - painting by Frederic Edwin Church, lower center left, figures with cross, and village in background (MET, 09.95)...

Fájl:Heart of the Andes MET DT282446.jpg

English Heart of the Andes - painting by Frederic Edwin Church, lower left, tree with date and signature (MET, 09.95)...