DescriptionElektronskal 2.svg English: This is a part of a series of drawings of the individual elements electron configuration: Each diagram shows the...
standardtegning af atomers elektronbesætning; i dette eksempel grundstof #2; helium (se diskussion om disse tegninger på [[Wikipedia-diskussion:AA-Ta...
File:Elektronskal 46 (2).svg is a vector version of this file. Error: No SVG image by that name exists. Please make sure to use the correct format: {{Vector...
DescriptionElektronskal 85.svg English: This is a part of a series of drawings of the individual elements electron configuration: Each diagram shows the...
DescriptionElektronskal 89.svg English: This is a part of a series of drawings of the individual elements electron configuration: Each diagram shows the...
DescriptionElektronskal 41.svg English: This is a part of a series of drawings of the individual elements electron configuration: Each diagram shows the...
DescriptionElektronskal 105.svg English: This is a part of a series of drawings of the individual elements electron configuration: Each diagram shows the...
DescriptionElektronskal 36.svg English: This is a part of a series of drawings of the individual elements electron configuration: Each diagram shows the...
DescriptionElektronskal 99.svg English: This is a part of a series of drawings of the individual elements electron configuration: Each diagram shows the...
DescriptionElektronskal 25.svg English: This is a part of a series of drawings of the individual elements electron configuration: Each diagram shows the...