images: File:Corazón.svg licensed with Cc-by-sa-3.0-migrated, GFDL 2006-04-20T04:18:57Z Fibonacci 116x106 (296 Bytes) {{en|A [[:en:heart (symbol)|]],...
Derivative works of this file: Broken heart.svg Heart corazón.svg English author name string: Fibonacci Wikimedia username: Fibonacci URL: http://commons...
DescriptionHeart numlabels.svg English: :1. Right atrium (Atrium dextra) 2. Left atrium (Atrium sinistrum) 3. Superior Vena Cave (Venea cava Superior)...
of the human heart (cropped).svg|Englis Uploaded with derivativeFX English Arabic Diagram of the human heart Egyptian Arabic Diagrama del corazón human...
File:Corazón.svg licensed with GFDL 2006-04-20T04:18:57Z Fibonacci 116x106 (296 Bytes) {{en|A [[:en:heart (symbol)|]], made by ~~~.}} {{es|Un corazón, dibujado...
images: File:Corazón.svg licensed with Cc-by-sa-3.0-migrated, GFDL 2006-04-20T04:18:57Z Fibonacci 116x106 (296 Bytes) {{en|A [[:en:heart (symbol)|]],...
English Heart location in the human body Spanish Ubicación del corazón en el cuerpo humano...
English ECG of a heart in sinus rhythm Spanish ECG de un corazón con ritmo sinusal normal Dutch Electro cardiogram German ECG of Heart in normal Sinus...
arteriosus 5.- Sinus venosus 6.- Pulmonary vein Esquema de un corazón de anfibio. 1.- Aurícula derecha 2.- Aurícula izquierda 3...
Scheme the human heart. The chambers are represented in red; the aorta and pulmonary arteries, in pink; the cavas and pulmonary veins, in orange; and...