English Dome of the Krizmanich Telescope, Jordan Hall of Science, University of Notre Dame author name string: CusterDome Wikimedia username: CusterDome URL:...
following license: English Observatory dome featuring the 0.8 m Sarah L. Krizmanich Telescope on Jordan Hall rooftop observatory, University of Notre Dame...
Telescope (dome) for July 6, 2018 astronomical outreach event held at Jordan Hall of Science on Notre Dame campus author name string: CusterDome Wikimedia...
Krizmanich Telescope, Jordan Hall of Science, University of Notre Dame author name string: CusterDome Wikimedia username: CusterDome URL: https://commons...
camera mounted on altitude axis author name string: CusterDome Wikimedia username: CusterDome URL: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:CusterDome...